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About IUT

Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)

With 15 faculties in science, engineering, and agriculture, several research institutes and industrial poles, and with its academic staff of 600, IUT is ranked among the top Asian universities in the International University Rankings. IUT has 11000 full-time undergraduate and graduate students.

Located in the center of Iran, 2300 hectares of land has been dedicated to IUT, 400 hectares of which constitute the main campus. The main campus includes all the educational and research buildings, as well as modern dormitories that can house more than 5000 students. The main campus also offers a health service center, shopping centers, sport and recreational facilities, turning the main campus into a small town.

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is one of the most prestigious universities in Iran. Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), as one of the leading universities in Iran, is founded in 1974 and started its academic activities in 1977.

IUT is one of the pioneers among the National universities and has been ranked among the top Asian Universities in the International University Rankings. IUT has 14 faculties and departments with about 11000 students and 600 academic members and offers four disciplines of engineering, basic sciences, agriculture and Natural resources in all three study level of BSc, MSc and PhD.

IUT located in the central part of the country with a total area of 2300 hectares of land. Of this, 400 hectares area has been dedicated to the main campus. The main campus resembling a small town, includes all the educational or research buildings as well as modern dormitories to house more than 5000 students and the residential quarters which provide the academic staff with semi-detached houses. To facilitate for students and staff, IUT also offers the health service center, shopping, sports and recreation centers inside the campus. IUT comprises a College of Agriculture (with 10 departments), nine Engineering departments, three basic science departments, one department of natural resources with three divisions, seven research centers, and many research groups. Since it is located in the heart of industrial complexes, it has provided an opportunity to strengthen industrial enhancement of the city of Isfahan and Iran.

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The Isfahan University of Technology has a large campus area that is developed like a small town. The campus life at IUT provides wonderful experience, unlike any other university in the country. IUT’s campus provides various services and features including a pardis shopping center, prestigious library, recreation center, health center, sports center, sports facilities, dining services, restaurants and cafeterias, transportation services, and residence halls. This campus rewards the students with a lively yet tranquil atmosphere.




Here at IUT, we try to provide students with variety of recreational experiences. This center is located at the southernmost corner of the campus and provides students with various facilities.



Sports Center

The sports center provides sports services to all residents in the university. The sports facilities of this center include a magnificent, large and beautiful indoor pool with diving boards, steam and dry sauna, as well as a small swimming pool for children, a large football field with running facilities as well as three small football fields, two tennis courts. Three fitness centers, an outdoor basketball court, a wrestling hall, a gym, a martial arts hall and a table tennis hall. In addition, the dormitory has four indoor multi-purpose gyms with volleyball, basketball, badminton, athletics and fitness facilities. The center organizes painting competitions and participates in university competitions across the country.


Sports Facilities

Isfahan University of Technology offers a wide range of sports facilities, fitness, programs and events in the sports center and dormitory for the health of students. Indoor and outdoor swimming pool with an area of 3200 square meters, has diving boards, steam, dry sauna and a small swimming pool for children.


Dining Services

Since IUT poses a gigantic campus, various dining options are provided for both students and academic staff. The dining center in the heart of the university serves most students three times a day. Meal plans are available for students to choose from. Mahan and Aseman Restaurants are other options that serve daily meal plans and other cuisines. A traditional restaurant is located on the north of the campus and it serves traditional cuisines. There is a fast food / cafe on the south side of the university. In addition, there are various cafeterias in each department and pardis shopping center that students can benefit from.


Restaurants and Cafeterias

Restaurants which are managed by the Vice President for Student Affairs cater to all students and staff. Lunch is served at a subsidized price for students and staff. Students also have dinner and breakfast in these restaurants and cafeterias. In addition, there are several restaurants on campus that offer a variety of foods for each meal.


There is capacious parking space at the main entrance of the campus and students need to register their car every morning. Entering the campus is mainly limited to the faculties and staff. However, in some cases, a provisional permit is granted to graduate students if they are required to spend most of their time for research or move their lab equipment. This permit will be issued at the request of the departmental. The lead investigators or the advisors can fill out the forms to request a provisional permit for their students. This permit is needed to be renewed periodically. Daily permits are issued at the main campus entrance for visitors and undergrads if the security personnel at the gate deems it necessary.

Hence the spacious campus, every 15 minutes a bus moving around the campus. This specific bus starts from the main entrance of the campus, where the main parking lot is also located and stops at various locations to provide access to the entire campus. Here at IUT, a large number of buses are dedicated to picking up academic staff, faculty and students from all over the city to the university every morning at 8:00 and transporting them to their destination after office hours. If students choose to explore the city, it is necessary to know about how to use public transportation out and into the university. Depending on the destination, there are several buses for students and academic staff and they can be used to get anywhere in the city. Every 15 minutes, buses take passengers from the campus to the university station, and vice versa at the Jomhouri-e-Eslami Square, which is one of the transportation hubs with transport means to every corner of the city.

Bus #9 and #23 route passengers to Chahar Bagh Abbasi Street and Enghelab Square, where Si-o-Se Pol Bridge is accessible. On the way to the Chahar Bagh St., bus #9 stops at Imam Hussein Square as well, which is a 10-minute walk away from Naqsh-e Jahan Sq., half the beauty of Isfahan. Bus #34 takes passengers all the way to Azadi Sq. This bus provides access to the Julfa and Khaghani St., Chaharbagh Bala, and Mardavij. In addition, numerous shared taxis are available at Jomhouri-e-Eslami Sq. to give a ride to any location. An alternative is the buses to the first subway station, which provide access to Imam Hussein and Azadi squares, Mount Soffeh, Si-o-Se Pol Bridge, and Hakim-Nezami Street, near Julfa. Public transportation is available at reasonable prices in Isfahan, and the quality is increasing day by day.



We know that it can be a little hard for students to live away from their family, whether in another city or country. Nowadays, university dormitories have enough capacity to accommodate more than 4,000 students, and the quantitative and qualitative development of these dormitories has been seriously considered by the university management. Here at IUT, we provide a comfortable living experience for newly admitted students. A significant number of IUT faculty members reside in the university and students living in the dormitories. This situation helps them to have easy access to learning and research areas and facilities.  

Residence halls at IUT are commonly studios, where the room and bathroom are shared between 4 individuals. Additionally, every 10 studios share a big kitchen, a laundry room, and a study room. There are TV rooms on each floor and a weighting room for each complex. There are three multi-purpose gyms suitable for basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton and indoor soccer. There are also gyms, wrestling, table tennis and martial arts. International students can acquire a glimpse of Iran’s 4-season nature by attending weekly or monthly trips held by student societies tenant at residential complexes. These events include short tours to nearby cities like Kashan and the stunning 'Varzaneh' desert, and long trips to some of the most beautiful astonishing exotic destinations in Iran like Shiraz, Tehran, Gilan, etc. More information on these societies and their activities are provided here.

There are three main residence complexes available for students. Female students, both undergrad and graduate, reside in the prestigious 'Sadaf' residence hall while male students reside in either 'Al Qadir' hall, which is designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores or 'Sadra' hall that accommodates upper-class, and graduate students.

The engaging atmosphere of the dormitories, as well as the pleasant landscape surrounded by trees and 'Seyed Mohammad' mountain, offers an apt opportunity for students enjoy an environment far from the madding crowd of the city!



Isfahan University of Technology is not just about going to classes and taking courses. It has never been like this. IUT is a community that, in addition to majors and courses, engages students in what they are interested in. There are many communities and clubs to attract different students with different majors and they can progress in any field.

At Isfahan University of Technology, we cherish the social atmosphere of the university. IUT is a community that is involved every student. There are many societies and clubs for students to communicate with their peers. Whether the goal is to transfer knowledge or make new friends, the vibrant environment offers many opportunities for all interests.

Each department has its own scientific association that recruits its members through student elections. The task of these associations is to make many visits to related industries, which adds an active learning aspect to the theories which are learned in the classroom and gives students the opportunity to see how these theories are put into practice and a general industry. Each association is responsible for many annual training courses that cover a wide range of topics from Photoshop to software and subject-related skills and competencies in each discipline. Some societies publish their scientific journals. Inter-departmental celebrations are another task of scientific associations.

In addition to the science associations that make education fun, there are several other clubs with different topics from the university. Students can volunteer at such clubs, which are related to art, philosophy and so on. These clubs are places to collaborate with peers that students can share non-academic interests. There are a lot of these clubs at IUT. The significant number of them are introduced below.


Music Club

Music Club is a wonderful club for music lovers and instrumentalists. The club holds weekly meetings where all volunteers can attend to play an instrument or song while others can attend to enjoy the fun. The music club occasionally holds important meetings where faculty and staff are also invited. In addition, club members hold meetings to discuss ways to improve the campus music environment.


Club Theater

Club Theater, as its name implies, is a club for theater fans! Members practice writing plays, choosing or designing costumes, and performing. The club occasionally organizes stages to perform written plays or the nationally or globally plays.


Photo and Movie Club

Photo and Movie club selects two movies each week, one public and one semi-private, and evaluates the latter with critics after the movie is over. The club also runs "photo cafes" sporadically, photos on a specific topic that are worth watching and discussing. Photography courses such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and photography competitions among students are other common activities of this club.


Literature Club

The Literature Club is responsible for literature-based gatherings at the university, such as the Short Story Café and the Poetry Cabin, where students are forced to read aloud their pieces of art and discover their strengths and weaknesses. Some of the world's masterpieces are also read at these gatherings so that students can discuss them. The club sometimes invites the nation's famous writers and poets to give students the opportunity to learn from their experiences. Nasim Competition, where students submit their works and receive prizes in the competition, and celebrations such as "Yalda Celebration (the longest night of the year)" and "A Night with Poetry" are some of the state-of-the-art activities of this amazing club.


Ava Club carries out media-related activities, audio and video editing, auditoriums and dubbing. If necessary, the club invites student broadcasters and writers to produce content on specific topics. The clubs are then used to produce the podcast. Podcast production is a unique strength of the club. The club also trains presenters that other clubs and organizations can benefit from in their meetings and ceremonies.


Arya is one of the most popular clubs by students. By taking students to different tours, this club makes students happy to acquaint them with the natural wonders of Iran. These tours are exceptional and the prices they charge are much lower than other agencies. Arya is also responsible for the most important ceremony at the university.


Helal Ahmar (Red Crescent) is also one of the favorites! This club attracts those who care about the health of not only the students but also the whole nation. Whenever a natural disaster occurs anywhere in Iran, the club raises funds and sends them the equipment needed by the people of those areas. Bazaar Charity is another program organized by the club in which students buy handicrafts and help the club raise funds for people in need. The club also provides first aid training to develop students' skills and teach them how to act in difficult situations.


Mental Health Helpers is a club that runs "Psychology Cafes" to promote mental health. Psychological movies are also involved to discuss their social and psychological aspects.


Living at IUT is so much more than studying. Active learning is a part of life for all students and they play certain roles that they wish to play for them. IUT helps students experience a high level of education and improve their life!












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