Welcome Message by
the Minister of Education
Esteemed Guests,
I have the honor of welcoming each and every one of you to the International Physics Olympiad, hosted by Iran. On behalf of the Ministry of Education, it brings me great joy to extend a warm greeting to all the participating students, teachers, and esteemed guests from around the globe.
We aim to celebrate the great impact of education in fostering unity, peace, and understanding among nations. It fills us with immense pride to witness this event as a symbol of solidarity among our diverse backgrounds. The Organizing Committee and Academic Committee have displayed huge dedication and commitment in ensuring the success of this occasion, underscoring their relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of science.
Physics presents challenges that require creativity, innovation, and perseverance from its practitioners. These qualities are not only essential to success in scientific pursuits but also necessary for personal growth in all aspects of life. As we gather in the spirit of friendly competition, let us acknowledge and appreciate the achievements of our young scientists, who embody the future of scientific discovery and advancement.
I wholeheartedly believe that we are not only celebrating the accomplishments of young scientific minds, but also recognizing the profound influence of such gatherings in promoting peace, friendship, and convergence among nations. The role of science in shaping our world cannot be overstated, and it is truly inspiring to witness the passion with which many of you embrace its frontiers. As we collaborate towards a shared goal, let us remember that we are all part of a global community, united by our shared humanity. I encourage you to forge new connections, bridge cultural gaps, and cultivate enduring relationships that will extend well beyond the conclusion of this Olympiad.
In closing, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those who will made this event possible, including the participants, volunteers, and supporters. Let us cherish this moment and reaffirm the significance of education in shaping the destiny of our planet.